Wednesday, December 21, 2011

चाँद की चांदनी सतरंगी दिख रही है
पत्तों की सरसराहट गुफ्तगू कर रही है
हवाओं में नशीली ठंडक बह रही है
सुना है सभी ने की तुम आ रहे हो

आँखों को काजल लगाने का मन है
हाथों को कंगन खनकाने का मन है
पायल रुनझुन रुनझुन गाये जा रही है
सुना है इन सभी ने की तुम आ रहे हो

होठों की मुस्कान आज छुपाये नहीं छुपती
पलकों से शर्म हटाये नहीं हटती
सारे आलम में मदहोशी छा रही है
जब से सुना है की तुम आ रहे हो

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

खामोश सा मंज़र है आज
तन्हा अकेली बैठी हूँ मैं
दिल में तेरी यादें हैं बस
और आँखों में उनकी निशानी

क्यों वक़्त बेवक्त खो जाती हूँ
तुझसे ही हूँ मैं
तुझमे गम हो जाती हूँ
दुनिया बाकी झूठी लगती है

तेरे बिना कुछ कमी सी लगती है
मेरी ही धड़कन अधूरी सी लगती है
सोचा था जी लेंगे हम भी तेरे बिन
उस दिन से ज़िन्दगी ही थमी सी लगती है

हंसती अब भी हूँ मैं
पर खिलखिलाती अब नहीं
आँखों में काजल अब भी है
पर शरारत चली गयी

हर बात जो तुझसे कह लिया करती थी
इस दिल में सिमट कर रह गयी
तुम शायद पढ़ लो कहीं से
इसलिए अब ये कविता बन गयी

Monday, December 12, 2011

दिल में जो हल्का दर्द उठा है
वो तुम्हे भी है मुझे भी
आंसू जो किसी बात पर छलके हैं
वो तेरे भी हैं मेरे भी

बात एक होठों पर पर आ ठहर गयी है
वो सुनी तू ने भी है मैंने भी
अनजान से इस रिश्ते को न जाने क्या कहते हैं
यही सवाल तेरे ज़हन में है मेरे भी

भूल सकती नहीं वो रात कभी
जब दिल पहली बार इस तरह धड़का था
खामोश से समंदर को जैसे
चांदनी रात की लहरों ने आ जकड़ा था

आँखें जो मुस्कुराती हैं मेरी
वो तेरी होठों की मुस्कान का आइना है
तेरी ख़ुशी से है हर ख़ुशी मेरी
कहते हैं मोहब्बत जिसे तुझे भी है मुझे भी

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

राहों में अकेले खड़े यूँ ही
महसूस इसी बात को करती हूँ
तन्हा भले दिखती नहीं मैं
पर तन्हाइयों में सिमटी खड़ी हूँ

तेरा साथ न होने से आज
मैं तिनकों सी बिखरी पड़ी हूँ
कुछ कहती नहीं कभी किसी से
पर तेरे नाम से जीती हूँ

तुमसे करी थी जो बातें
तितली के रंगों जैसी लगती हैं
तुमसे रूठ कर गुज़ारे लम्हे
अँधेरी रातों जैसे लगते हैं

शिकवे भी हैं तुमसे, शिकायतें भी
हज़ारों आंसू देने की तकलीफें भी
फिर भी क्यों खलता है दिल को खालीपन
क्यों लगता है तुझ से अब भी ये अपनापन

यादें भी तुमसे हैं, हंसी भी
प्यार करने की हर ख़ुशी भी
पर क्यों अपनी मोहब्बत अधूरी सी है
तेरे मेरे बीच क्यों मीलों की दूरी सी है

Monday, August 29, 2011

बातों ही बातों में फिर वही बात हो गयी
फिर वही तार छिड़े हैं, फिर वही रात हो गयी

तन्हाइयों में बिखरी ये खामोशियाँ तेरी
मेरे इस दिल को बेचैन कर जाती हैं

अब भी कई सवाल हैं कहे अनकहे
तेरे जवाबों का इंतज़ार है दिल को

कहते तो तुम भी हो गुनाह नहीं है ये
क्यों फिर मुझे झूठी तसल्ली देते रहते हो

पुरानी बातें कुछ भूल जाने को कहते हो
क्यों कुछ बातें आज भी जीना चाहते हो

सब जानते थे तुम की तन्हा थी मैं ज़िन्दगी में
क्यों फिर तुम भी मुझे तन्हा कर चले गए

आज तुम हो भी नहीं भी हो ज़िन्दगी में
दो पल साथ चल मीलों दूर चले जाते हो

जीवन मेरा उथल पुथल करती लहरों सामान है

ये लहरें जिसे ढूँढती हैं वो शांत किनारा हो तुम

Thursday, August 25, 2011

अनजाने ही कोई चला आया ज़िन्दगी में
हर सवाल का फिर वो जवाब बन गया

यूँ तो देखे थे कई सपने मैं जागते सोते  
जाने कैसे वो ख्वाब सबसे ख़ास बन गया

मुझ तक ही सिमटी थी मेरी ये दुनिया सारी
एक अजनबी कैसे हमदम इस बार बन गया

भीड़ में चलते हुए तन्हाइयों में गुम हो जाती हूँ 
तन्हाइयों में रहकर भी उसको पास पाती हूँ

खुद में ही डूबे रहने का दिल करता है मेरा
मैं ही मेरी पक्की सहेली हो चली हूँ

लब्ज़ में क्या बयान करूँ मेरे दिल का हाल 
धड़कनों को धड़कनों से जुड़ने का अरमान मगर है   

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

हर गुज़रता लम्हा अब मुद्दतों सा जान पड़ता है
तुम्हारे आने का इंतज़ार कुछ इस कदर है दिल को

नहीं मालूम मुझे कौन है ज़्यादा पागल
धड़कन, जो इस ख्याल पर ही नाच उठी है
मौसम, जो इस बात के ज़िक्र पर खिल उठा है
मैं, जो आईने के सामने शरमाई सी आ बैठी हूँ

कैसे कहें तुम्हे सबसे ज़्यादा चाहते हैं हम
अब तो इस घर की हवाएं भी यही दावा करती हैं
इस चादर की सलवटें भी मेरी ही तरह तुम्हारी दीवानी हैं
तुम्हे एक बार और छू लेने का ख्वाब ये भी दिन रात देखती हैं

घर के हर कोने में तुम्हारी यादें बसी हैं
जो तन्हा गुज़ारी हैं सदियाँ यहाँ हमने 
तेरे साथ गुज़ारे लम्हों से वो बड़ी नहीं हैं
बस उन्ही चंद लम्हों के नाम करी है ये ज़िन्दगी

Monday, August 22, 2011

आज कुछ अजब सा है मन मेरा
थोड़ी कशिश थोड़ी बेचैनी भी है
लाखों अरमान जगे हैं दिल में
फिर भी कुछ कमी सी है

यहाँ अगर है लाल आकाश
तो वहां काली बदरा छाई है
मगर सावन की ठंडी हवा
तेरे गालों को सहलाकर मेरे गालों तक आई है

जो बाल तुम्हारे माथे को चूम रहे हैं
तो मेरे हाथों का ही वो इशारा है
जो पास नहीं हूँ मैं आज तेरे
तो हवाओं को ये खेल खिलाया है

अभी अभी एक पंख उड़कर आया कहीं से
क्यों लगता है तुमने सारा प्यार लुटाया है
मुझे छू कर गुज़री हवा तुम तक जब आएगी
मेरी बाहों के घेरे का एहसास करा जाएगी

नहीं समझ आता कितने फासले हैं नज़दीकी कितनी
दूर इतने जितना दूर है हमसे आकाश
या पास इतने जितना तुझे छूकर
मुझ तक आती ये ठंडी हवा 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mumbai Diaries...Part 1

Phew!!! I just completed 23 days in Mumbai... and guess what??? I survived... I wish i could have penned down all my mixed feeling from day 1 but got lost somewhere in this hustle-bustle of the city... now when i finally have a few moments for myself so here I am.........

MUMBAI.....was supposedly my city of dreams....a place which was always calling me to get all that i wanted out of life...I was happy...I was excited...but now when I have actually landed up in this me...I am HATING it... I am just not able to figure out what is it exactly that I don't like about this place...Is it the it the rains (I was in love with the rains 23 days back).... is it the superfast Shatabdi express life... It can be the travelling (Auto- Local- Auto- Local- Auto) i just homesick... so actually its a mocktail of a number of things that I am hating about Mumbai....I feel like running away to my mom at the end of the day where I'll get all the love and care in the world....

I feel like i have turned into a machine which is switched on in the morning and stops working after mid-night when the battery eventually dies down... There are a few add-ons which are actually killing the life of this battery like an almost flood experience... the crowded trains...  this city resists you and no matter what you do, it just won't accept you............

So when i actually sit and ponder over what is actually keeping me running inspite of so much frustration...I have just ome answer...I love my work...It gives me ultimate satisfaction at the end of the day...Everyday I am chasing some part of my dream...I've got to live my dreams...I dream big and i want it all...I will give my best shot till this place accepts me as its own...I know in my heart that I will always be a small town girl with those big dreams and I am proud of that :)

Thats all for the day...There has to be a lot more...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

For My Mom... Happy Birthday Mom :)

माँ की ममता ओढ़ कर आज मैं चाँद से बात करने बैठी हूँ
बहुत दिनों के बाद आज हम दोनों को कुछ फुर्सत है

चाँद ने कहा आज माँ के बारे में कुछ सुनाओ
कैसी हैं तुम्हारी माँ? ज़रा मुझको भी बताओ

सवाल था कितना सीधा पर जवाब था उतना ही गहरा
मैं सोच में पड़ गयी और बोली ऐ चाँद आज तुझे क्या क्या मैं बतलाऊं 

मेरी माँ है इतनी प्यारी जितनी प्यारी नहीं कोई गुड़िया
रात रात भर लोरी गाती, गोद में ले कर मुझे सुलाती
नींद ही आये चाहे थक ही जाये माँ
कभी नहीं ये मुझे जताती 

माँ को मैंने एक पैर पर सारे घर में दौड़ते देखा है
मेरे एक आंसू पर मैंने हैरान परेशान देखा है
वो सब कुछ करती है जो मुझे अच्छा लगता है
उसे क्या अच्छा लगता है बताया नहीं उसने कभी

मेरी माँ हमेशा मुस्कुराती है
कहती है कि मुझे देख सब गम भूल जाती है
पर तुझसे कैसे छुपाऊँ चाँद
मैंने माँ को चुपके चुपके रोते भी देखा है

आज भी सब के मन की करती
अपनी चाहतों को भुला देती है
कितनी भी तकलीफ में हो
कैसे हंस के सब सह जाती?

कहने को तो एक शब्द होता है माँ
पर सच कहूं किसे पता है क्या होती है माँ

चाँद ने कहा माँ इतनी ही प्यारी होती है
माँ सबसे प्यारी होती है

Dedicated to the best Mom in the World...I love you mummy

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

6th Day...NO WALK

I was terribly tired tired this morning. It was pretty natural since i was on my toes everyday from morning to evening. I gave up today. But i am determined to go tomorrow...

5th Day at Morning Walk

5th day at walk was yesterday but couldn't write because i was too tired to do anything hence writing today. It took a little effort to get up yesterday for me and my roommate. The enthusiasm was usual, i was full of positive spirit and the cool breeze became insignificant after 2 rounds of the garden.

Apart from my usual observations, i noticed the moon in the shape of a semi circle with a bright star shining just below it which was Venus. I was mesmerized by the beauty of it especially at the dawn break. The soft golden light that was breaking out from the sun was making the sky very beautiful. I was observing the moon so carefully that i could feel it fading away after every round i took. The moon and the star were disappearing very gradually as the light was increasing and till i completed my 10th round they were very lightly visible.

I also observed my favorite laughter club whose members increased to 7 and trust me i was really happy to see everybody following that old couple. Their funny exercises had a passive effect on me and i found myself smiling uncontrollably. No i wasn't making fun of them, deep down i respected them for taking such an initiative and i really hoped to see them everyday.

I feel like jogging these days. Brisk walk seems a bit slow. I think i'll start jogging in a few days :) 

Monday, February 28, 2011

4th day at Morning Walk...

Wow...difficult to believe that i completed the 4th day of my morning walk without fail. Well...the most interesting part today was not what i observed in the garden today but the way i dragged myself for the walk. It took me almost 15 minutes to convince myself for this walk today because it was freezing cold outside and to add to it there was cool breeze. I just wasn't able to get out of my blanket and even when i was out, i was staring at my blanket like a fool as if it would invite me in again. Moreover, my roommate was on a night out hence i was all by myself to struggle. I convinced myself "Get up Saumya...You'll feel good after 2 rounds" but the devil in me was shouting "Give yourself a break Saumya...its too'll fall ill"....

Oh my God...i was terribly confused...i folded my blanket to prevent myself from sleeping again but kept staring at it as if i'll open it any moment and fall into deep slumber...i tried to explain myself several benefits of this walk like i wont be late for college, my positive thoughts, entertaining people in the garden and my fit body and finally my positivity won and i quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face....all ready for the walk :)

The walk was awesome as usual and believe me all through my rounds i was simply feeling proud of my determination to get up for this walk. I have found a wonderful start of my morning and i want to keep up with it for as long as i can. The most interesting thing is that the Laughter club trio is now a group of 6 people :) It was real entertaining to watch them laughing their hearts out. One of them was imitating the patent dance step of Rajesh Khanna which i really enjoyed watching. I took 10 rounds today and was happy about it.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday- 3rd Day of My Morning Walk

When my alarm rung at 6 am, i was having a comfortable sleep in my mink blanket and to add to the temptation it was real dark and cold outside. I switched off my alarm and for a few seconds decided that i deserve a break on a Sunday but within 3 minutes I was out of my bed...i don't know how??? I switched on the light and after seeing my energy, my roommate also got out of her bed. I was happy that i have a company today. Without any discussions, we were out of our house in 15 minutes and i opened the lock.

As we started our brisk walk towards the garden i told her that i was feeling full of energy and enthusiasm. She said that she was feeling sleepy but will be fine. We could hardly see anybody out today. Nobody except us was out on the road. When we reached the garden, just 4-5 people were taking there walks. It was very quiet today. I thought maybe the others couldn't resist the temptation of sleeping till late on Sundays. I was really happy, that i was the one who could win over that over tempting temptation...

There was a lady sitting on a swing whom i noticed last 2 days also. She always used to sit on the same swing doing nothing but just inhaling the fresh air. There were 2 boys doing exercise in the other corner and listening to some Aatif song...i was full of energy today that my 3 rounds were completed in about 5 minutes and my roommate was having a bit difficulty while catching up with me but she could keep up with me.

And there it comes...the trio...the laughing club but the lady was missing today and a middle aged man was completing the team...I thought maybe she needed a Sunday break. The laughing exercises started and i was completely concentrating on their activities. It made my rounds a lot more easier. I founded that trio a lot entertaining but inspiring.

4th, 5th , 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th..........all my rounds were a lot easier as my attention was on that trio especially the old man who seemed to be the leader o the group. My roommate suggested that we should take one more round but slowly...i agreed...that is what i observe and grasp as much as possible from happenings around me.

It was Fun!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

2nd Day at Morning Walk

Although there was nothing much to motivate me for the morning walk on the 1st day yet i got up at 6am again today. Maybe the thought that after 10 minutes of getting up i wont regret leaving the cozy blanket gave me enough courage to leave my bed. When i switched on the light, my roommate said that we'll go after 10 minutes. I agreed because i knew it was hard for her to get out of the blanket. When i got ready with my shoes on, she was still in no mood to get up. I told her to sleep and that i'll go alone though secretly i wasn't sure whether i'll be able to go alone or not since it was very dark outside. For a moment i looked carefully at my soft mink blanket as if it was inviting me in....Gosh!!!! that is the biggest greed you can feel when you sacrifice your sleep....

I resisted my temptation....don't know why and don't know how...i moved out of the house and without a single thought started a brisk walk towards the garden. Purposely i left my earphones at home today. I was seeking for something different today....what??? I don't know.....Why??? I definitely knew.... When you do something in life there is a purpose behind it and which acts as motivation. My purpose of a good body shape was definitely not enough to get me going at 6 O Clock.... so i was going to discover new things today that would help me to jump out of my bed daily.

I could see just 2-3 people out on the roads which gave me a sudden fear about the safety. I quickly checked whether my mobile was safe inside my pocket....It was quietly lying in my warm pocket. It was too cold outside and people were wearing jackets and scarfs while i just had a stole on because i knew that after 1 round of the garden my body will be warm enough to sustain this cold. I walked towards the garden overtaking an old lady who was also going to the garden. As yesterday, there were a lot of people taking their morning walks, jogging, exercising in the garden. I did noticed a few of them yesterday but didn't paid attention but today i was observing them.

As i took my rounds, i observed a man in his mid thirties jogging on the tracks and jumping over a few obstacles here and there. I saw him yesterday but my only focus yesterday was on the rounds i was taking. I then observed 2 friends on 1 side of the garden who were there for exercise. 1 of them was teaching the other how to do push-ups and at an other corner i saw a man doing his "Aalom Vilom". There was also man in his late sixties or seventies who could hardly walk infact he dragged himself on the walking track. I felt sympathy for the man but at the same time i was really happy that a man with walking disability is active enough to walk. I was surprised whether these people were not there yesterday or was i walking with my eyes closed. I also decided that whatever happens i will never take myself to this stage in life and try to keep my body active as much as possible. At 6:30 sharp i saw an old couple walked inside the garden whom i definitely saw yesterday because they were such attention catcher not seekers. They came to 1 corner of the ground and 1 middle aged man joined them as if he was waiting for them. They greeted each other and the trio started its laughter club. Oh my God....they were not funny but really amusing. I noticed myself looking at them while taking my walk. I could see how they were laughing whole heartedly and doing something with their hands as if a step of Bharatnatyam. Whatever it was, it was truely eye catching. Occasionally, the old man who i guess was the leader of the trio clapped his hands and said "Very Good, Very Good, Very Good" i continued my walk i crossed that old man who was still dragging himself on the track. He was slow yet motivated, i easily overtook him and kept on my speed. With this speed i overtook a girl in pink jacket who i think felt offended on this and almost jogged to overtake me and succeeded. I kept up my speed and wasn't going to race around with her but after 1 round again i was able to overtake her. I guess my natural speed was more than her after that i noticed she tried a lot to overtake me but was too tired to do so. It gave me a sense of victory and after 1 round i saw that she left the was just like as if my enemy left the battle field....

I completed my 9 rounds very easily today observing each and everything around me. I was so full of energy that i decided to end my walk in even numbers and took the 10th round. I was full of positive attitude today and had so many constructive things to do in my mind which would give me self satisfaction. Moreover i loved observing people around me today which i generally did when i had nothing else to do. Though i was a bit tired for that but i was full of enthusiasm. After my 10th round, i walked out of the garden. It was bright enough by now and i had a rush of heat flowing in my body and my heart pounding with constant speedy walk.

I returned home happily today because i found my motivation to start my day apart from the Curvy body greed and that was far more important. I felt a lot of positive vibes during my walk, my mind was full of positive ideas and constructive things to do and those 25 minutes of my walk were exclusively for me to think about myself, ponder on my inner thoughts and learn new things by observing new people daily....

Tomorrow is a Sunday yet i will not take a break from my walk..... Cheers!!! 

My 1st Morning Walk......after 5 years

I happened to go for an evening walk at the society garden a day before and found it so refreshing that i immediately decided to be a Morning Walker.... though i knew that this impulse may not last long but still tried to take the risk.... I asked my roommate and she was all game for this deal....

Friday Morning "My First Morning Walk" day....I don't know what made me wake up at 6am, i hardly manage to get up for my college. Maybe a drive to do something new gave me the energy to get up so early. I woke my roommate and within 20 minutes we were out walking towards the Garden... I told her 4.5 rounds of the garden makes 1 Km....hence we decided to do 9 rounds i.e. 2 Kms daily....That was more than enough to keep our bodies in shape....

We had our earphones plugged in while we started taking our brisk walk. I had a thought in the back of my mind that we were doing something unique when we walked towards the garden but after reaching there i discovered that there are a lot others who follow this same schedule and are ardent daily walkers....Young and Old....Male and Female....everybody was present there as per scheduled time....

Me and My roommate, we hardly talked during this session. I don't know what was going on inside her mind but i was completely focussed on 9 ROUNDS.....I started counting my rounds and was very happy when i completed 1 and then 8 more to go.... I paid attention towards the Bhajans on the radio which usually i don't but i liked it at that time and didn't feel like switching to the MP3 player. I was trying to memorize the lyrics of the Bhajan i was listening to while i kept my counting 2 ROUNDS.....3 ROUNDS......finally 9 ROUNDS after almost 20 minutes....

I looked at my watch and told my roommate about the good work that we maintained our speed through out and achieved our desired target and was very happy to go home... feeling all refreshed after this extraordinary start....extraordinary for me ofcourse :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

कहते हैं जब ख़ुशी दिल में होती है
तो आँखों से बयान होती है
जज़्बात जब दिल से निकलते हैं
तो बस कलम पकड़ने की देर होती है

ऐसा ही कुछ आज महसूस कर रही हूँ
पाँव ज़मीन पर हैं फिर भी हवा में हूँ
आँखों में आज चमक कुछ ऐसी है
जैसे सूरज से चंद किरणे उधार ली हो

होंठ जैसे खुद ही मुस्कुरा रहे हैं
खामोश हो कर भी कितना शोर मचा रहे हैं
मेरा कुछ भी आज मेरे बस में नहीं
सब कुछ ही तो मेरा है पर कुछ भी मेरा नहीं

जो अपार ख़ुशी मेरे दिल ने आज महसूस की है
यही चाहती हूँ मैं वो हर तरफ फैले
बहुत गम हैं वैसे इस दुनिया में
बस किसी एक दिन को बहाना मान के जी ले

Saturday, January 15, 2011

कुछ पलों की ख़ामोशी
सदियों की वीरानी लगती है
तेरे बिना एक दिन भी
ये ज़िन्दगी बेमानी लगती है

तुझसे मेरी ज़िन्दगी में सात रंग आ जाते हैं
तेरी एक नज़र पर मैं सौ जन्म जी लेती हूँ
उन दो आँखों में मेरी दुनिया जैसे समायी है
तेरी एक मुस्कान से मेरा जग रोशन हो जाता है

तुम कभी समझ न पाए मेरे प्यार की गहराई को
तुम्हारे बिना तो मैं खुद से भी अधूरी हूँ
जो तुम रहो मेरे हर कदम पर साथ तो
तुम से जुड़ कर ही मैं पूरी हूँ

तेरी खुशबू इस कदर बसी है साँसों में मेरी
कि दुनिया कि भीड़ में भी तुझे महसूस कर लेती हूँ
तू लाख खो जाना चाहे इस जहां में
तुझे अपनी पलकों पर सहेज कर रख लूँगी मैं

नहीं रहा जाता एक पल भी तेरे बिना
कुछ इस तरह मेरी ज़िन्दगी बन गया है तू